Anxiety and depression are common psychiatric conditions in the medical world, affecting millions of people in the US. There are multiple treatment options for these conditions. Some of these options include Transcranial Magnetic Therapy, also known as TMS therapy, depression medication, Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT), physical exercise, and more.
When you’re anxious or battling with depression, workouts often seem like the last thing you desire. However, accumulating scientific evidence suggests that exercise can alleviate the symptoms of depression and anxiety. Here is how.
Endorphins are your best friends.
You probably know about the endorphin rush you often feel after a workout. Doesn’t that amazing rush wear off?
Recently, the University of Toronto carried out a study to determine the impact of physical activity on the symptoms of anxiety and depression. The study findings suggested that people who exercise for 20 to 30 minutes daily had a higher chance of warding off depression in the long-run.
The researchers recommended that you should choose different types of physical activity that you love and exercise frequently. Some of these physical activities include weightlifting, running, and even dancing. Making a physical activity part of your daily routine can help fight depression in the long-run.
Reroute nervous energy
Physical activity is by no means the best alternative to psychiatric care and medication. However, studies show that it can successfully diffuse excessive anxious energy. Being physically active can help regulate adrenaline. This is a chemical in your body that gives you a fight-or-flight response to danger. Many studies have shown that exercise can help reduce anxiety.
If you have an anxiety disorder, exercising can help minimize panic. Just think about it; when you are busy jogging or doing aerobics, you tend to focus on physical activity. It’s recommended to workout as a group. This way, you can stay motivated and successfully reroute nervous energy.
Palliative care is important
People battling with excessive anxiety or chronic depression are likely to be in for a lifelong battle. This doesn’t mean you should let your life’s challenges throw you into deep despair. Many people have had depression, and they fought it successfully, and you can become one of these success stories.
Even if combining exercise with medical treatment does not bring an immediate cure, it can help lift your spirits and keep you motivated. This is a positive aspect of your daily life that can result in a positive change over time. Besides, exercising can make you feel better about yourself. It is essential for your overall body health, and this can be very motivating.
Living with anxiety and depression has never been easy for anyone. These psychiatric conditions are challenging and require your commitment to various treatment options. What you probably didn’t know is that physical activity can help alleviate the symptoms of depression.
If you’re battling depression or anxiety, you already understand that these conditions can be challenging. Consult with your healthcare provider and find out if it is possible to incorporate physical activity into your treatment process.