Good news for Epic Pass season pass holders; you will be receiving some level of discount toward the 2020-2021 season if you choose to purchase another Epic Pass.
The discount will be applicable until Labor Day, as Epic has noted people may need some time to decide on plans for next season.
The level of discount is pre-determined by how much you used your pass in the 2019-2020 season. The maximum amount you can receive is 80% off toward next season if you had used your pass zero times before the pandemic, which begs the question … which pass member HADN’T skied by March?? No judgment, though. From there, the percentage goes down 12% each day you had used your pass, culminating at the five day mark where everyone is guaranteed at least a 20% discount towards next season’s pass. Each member will be receiving a personalized email sometime by May 13th letting them know their specific level of discount.
Long story short: If you are a current Epic Pass holder and are planning on purchasing another Epic Pass for next season, odds are you will be receiving 20% off.
Ikon Pass season holders are also receiving a similar discount, but unlike Epic’s the stipulations are very straight forward. For current Ikon Pass holders, the renewal discount has been doubled for next season, netting you a $200 savings for next season’s pass. Ikon’s Base Pass has also been doubled, saving you $100 for next season. There are no incremental jumps based on how many days you did or did not use your pass.
Long story short: if you are a current Ikon Pass holder, you will be receiving either $200 or $100 off next season’s pass based on which level you choose to purchase.
Regardless of offerings, both companies have received their fair amount of flack in response to their attempts to alleviate the situation. Many holders have taken to social media to voice their frustrations with missing nearly 20% of the ski season, with no refund being put directly back in their pocket. Both companies seem to have tried to come up with a fair solution to the issue, but the only way to truly cash in is to stick with them for another round in the uncertainty of next season.