Normally, when we think of our lives, we envision long and prosperous ones. Although DNA plays a major role in your development, your daily activities can also impact not only your lifespan but your energy levels as well.
That being said, many of us struggle with keeping our energy levels up and it’s no wonder why. We’ve simply trained ourselves to go from morning to night, by drinking coffee, energy drinks, and lots of soda; but it doesn’t have to be that way. You can get a real boost by making a few changes. The guide below is packed with different strategies that will keep you powered up as you plow through your-to-do list. You’ll also learn more about surprising energy drains (like social media) and how to keep them from stealing your mojo.
Make Sure Your Body Gets Enough Vitamin D
Research suggests this key vitamin plays a vital role in keeping us charged up and energized. In fact, vitamin D helps us regulate insulin secretion and metabolism, both of which affect the body’s energy levels. The nutrients found in vitamin D have also been linked to better moods – not to mention a bunch of other health benefits. If for whatever reason you find yourself constantly low on energy, especially during the winter time, it might be worth checking your vitamin D levels; and since it can be tough to get an adequate amount from food (fish, eggs, and milk), a doctor or nutritionist might recommend a supplement.
How to Use Social Media So It’s Energizing, Not Draining
Let’s be honest, the internet of things (IoT) can be stressful for anyone trying to keep up with it. As we go through our day, for example, each of us produces a trail of new data along the way. This data can be used to stream YouTube, receive text messages and emails, comment on pictures and most importantly, get social media updates.
Generally speaking, there are two ways social media can drain your energy. On one hand, you can find yourself looking through everyone’s pictures and get depressed because your life doesn’t look as perfect as theirs. On the other hand, anything you see on the internet that’s negative gets magnified. Needless to say, neither extreme is good.
Are you ready to cut the Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter cords? If you’re not ready yet, challenge yourself and only add friends you actually talk to. You know, the ones you talk to on the day-to-day basis. When you don’t know someone, you’re likely to have some sort of miscommunication with them which could cause you to get upset about the things they post, and the things they like. However, using social media to connect with old friends can, without a doubt, have positive effects – this is what makes it energizing.
You Can Still Feel Drained After a Full Night’s Rest
It’s estimated that up to 22 million Americans suffer from a sleep apnea, a disorder that involves shallow breathing or pauses in breathing while you’re sleeping. If you’re among this group, you might feel like you’re in what called a “brain fog” even if you’re clocking seven hours of sleep a night. Most cases of sleep apnea can be diagnosed right from home with an at-home test. Mild cases can also be treated with lifestyle modifications, such as losing weight and trying to avoid alcohol before going to bed. Severe cases, however, may need professional help and could even require sleeping with a continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) machine (like the ones found at CPAP.com.au masks), which is designed to supply a steady stream of air to keep your airways open.
Other than sleep apnea, there are many other reasons for losing sleep. Research shows that roughly 50 to 70 million adults in the U.S. suffer from sleep disorder. Common conditions often associated with sleep problems include heartburn, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, musculoskeletal disorders, and thyroid disease. That being said, just getting in and out of bed can be a struggle. Because most of the symptoms of these disorders present themselves while you’re sleeping, you may not know you are experiencing them at all.
Sleep is an essential part of the day-to-day function and overall health, so if you feel that you suffer from chronic sleep deprivation or are constantly exhausted, talk to a professional.
Don’t Forget to Exercise
A good workout is great for upping your oomph, even when you feel like you’re running out of gas. When you exercise, you release hormones like adrenaline. This hormone, in particular, actually tells our bodies to ignore feelings of pain and fatigue while enhancing blood flow to large muscles located throughout the body. But when we are suffering from pain and fatigue, it is important that we take the time to listen to our bodies, as something more serious might be affecting your health other than the aftermath of exercise. When it comes to symptoms like this, some people decide to try taking some cannabis that can be known to help with these ailments – you can Read more info here. Sometimes though, this could be down to the after-effects of exercise. As a result, a good workout can leave you with more energy – an effect that can last for up to eight hours. Exercising can also be used as a stress reducer.
It doesn’t take much to get up and running. If you’re a beginner, start off slower than you think you should. Three days per week is a realistic number to aim for. It’s also safe and effective. If you are experienced in the weight room, consider doing cardiovascular exercise such as walking, jogging, running, and bicycling for no more than 200 minutes per week. It doesn’t matter how old you are, exercising can help you achieve greater physical and mental fulfillment which is worth it in the long run.