There is nothing worse than lying awake at night tossing and turning in your bed, just feeling desperate to drift off to sleep. While having a bad night’s sleep is frustrating, it is also crucial that you get good quality deep sleep-in order to feel fully rested and alert the following day.
There can be many explanations for why you are not getting the sleep you need at night, but one of the most common reasons is due to your habits throughout the day. Therefore, by making a few simple but significant changes to your lifestyle and sleep practices, you can drift off into a deep sleep easier each night.
Stick to a Sleep Schedule
Just like most things in life, sticking to a schedule and routine often makes things a whole lot easier to achieve, and entering a deep sleep is no different. So, we recommend that you set aside a minimum of eight hours each night for you to have a restful sleep. This is important as many of us are guilty of staying up late watching “just one more episode” and sacrificing our sleep in the process.
By getting up and going to bed at roughly the same time each day, you will find that your body is more ready for sleep when you get into bed. You should try to not let the weekends disrupt your sleep pattern as otherwise, you may struggle to enter a deep sleep in the days following.
Upgrade Your Mattress
Many people are surprised to learn that their mattress is the culprit behind their poor and restless night’s sleep. This is because, in order to get to sleep, and stay asleep all night, you need to be comfortable. So, if your mattress is old and lumpy, then you will find it much more difficult to drift off. Therefore, we recommend that you upgrade your mattress and find the right one for you. You should look for the best budget mattress that suits your needs and see how much it transforms your night’s sleep.
Limit Daytime Naps
If you have had a restless night and have spent most of it tossing and turning, then it can be all too tempting to sneak a nap in the middle of the day. However, depending on what time of day you are napping, you could be damaging your chances of a deep and restful sleep even more. Even though you should avoid napping if possible, if you do feel the need for a nap then you should limit it to only 30 minutes. You also shouldn’t nap after 3/4pm in the afternoon if don’t want to disrupt your sleeping pattern.
Think About What You Eat & Drink
Many people underestimate how much of an impact the food and drink they consume before bed can have on how well they sleep at night. For example, if you go to bed straight after a heavy meal you are much more likely to wake up during the night, and not be able to enter a deep sleep state.
Participate in Regular Exercise
While you should avoid being too active and physical in the lead up to going to bed, it is important that you are engaging in regular exercise on a daily basis. Even though we understand that it can be difficult to find the motivation to head to the gym after a busy day at work, regular physical activity can help to ensure a deeper sleep at night.
While getting a good night’s sleep is essential to your overall health and wellbeing, by making a few habit and lifestyle changes you can achieve a deep and more restful night’s sleep and wake up feeling ready to tackle the day ahead.