Hey everyone, I’m here to give you an update on my weight-loss journey and diet. The good news is I started to eat healthier when it’s not take-out. I’m also happy with the weight I’ve lost because I accomplished my original goal of dropping to 180 pounds. The bad news is I’m having a hard time following through with the diet somedays because I fall into the habit of buying take-out or skipping a meal. I wouldn’t suggest skipping a meal. All I have to do now is keep myself from going above 190 pounds again.
Now I have to keep myself accountable and stick to the diet. After all, I need to discover more healthy and delicious food because it will benefit me in the long run.
I ask the question now. Will anyone be willing to join me in a weight-loss journey? I promise I’ll stick to the diet this time.
One of my favorite dishes I’ve started making is grilled chicken with grilled bell peppers and jalapenos. If you’re not a fan of spicy food, you can always substitute the jalapenos for asparagus, which is phenomenal when you throw it on the barbeque. I still need to try the dilled shrimp salad I mentioned in my previous article. If you have any other recipes that you enjoy, please share them with me.
I’m proud of the weight I’ve lost, and it’s remarkable how much more energy I have throughout the day. I want to lose more weight and replace it with muscle, so I have a new goal to accomplish since I completed my original goal.
There is a significant problem with this weight loss, and that’s my wardrobe. Some of my clothing doesn’t fit anymore, so it looks like I’ll have to upgrade my wardrobe when everything reopens. Which is ironic because I needed to update my wardrobe for the weight gain, and now it’s the opposite.
I’ve decided to become stricter with myself if I end up failing again during the next 14 days. If I fail, I’m forcing myself to do 100 pushups and a 5-mile run for punishment. Imposing this punishment will make sure I follow through with something.