What does a runner do when they undertrained, overwhelmed, and have a relay race in two weeks? They stop worrying and get excited about it anyway because it will be a blast!
I am running the Wild Rogue Relay on June 15thand 16thwith an amazing group of runners. I haven’t been running much, but that’s the case for 80% of my teammates. We still plan to go out there and have as much fun as we possibly can while avoiding injury. We’ve decided that this will be the super fun warm-up for a more serious and competitive Hood to Coast.
Lately, I’ve struggled to get 10 miles a week completed. I’ve got so much going on – multiple writing gigs, college courses (nearing the end of my degree), a new job, and being a wife and mom. I’m feeling spread a little thin, but I think a fun race with a bunch of friends is the perfect way to decompress right at the end of Spring term.
I’m so excited to run this race. This is my first time running Wild Rogue. I was supposed to run it last year but ended up with a tendonitis flare up a few weeks before the race. I can’t wait to party like I’m 20 years old again while feeling like I’m definitely in my 40’s after each leg. From what I’ve heard, Wild Rogue is a total riot of a relay.
With only a couple weeks left until the relay, I’m in organization mode. I realize that to anyone that is a fly-by-the-seat-of-their-pants type of person, I am downright annoying prior to any big event. I want to know who will be where for pick up, snack coordination (Hood to Coast 2016 every single runner brought a bunch of bananas – which is now a hilarious joke between us), who has the safety gear, how many people are bringing water, etc.
It’s about this time when I get out my relay bag and start packing and organizing my gear. I start obsessively checking weather forecasts for each of my legs and think about what I’m going to wear. It’s a really big and exciting thing for me. This is the point that I can’t stop thinking about the race.
Am I worried about running my legs while I am this undertrained? Yes and no. I was undertrained for Hood to Coast last year as well – and I finished that just fine. As a team, most of us have struggled with our training so I am in good company. And we can always deploy the leapfrog card. This is where one van does not stop to rest but immediately starts up on their next set of legs in order to get to the finish line before the time cutoff.
The weather forecast for southern Oregon shows some hot weather over the next 10 days, so I’m anticipating running in the heat. This is not something a person from the northern Oregon coast is able to train for – so out of everything – this is what I am worried about the most.
In conclusion, despite the fact that I am undertrained and overwhelmed with all of my life responsibilities lately – I am very excited for this relay. I know my team is going to have a great time, and we must not forget the sunscreen!