Ten Things To Be Grateful For During The Holiday Season

As we enter the “most wonderful time of the year,” our emotions may be running high. With all the madness going on in the world, it may be easy to forget that we truly have a lot of things to be grateful for. Big, little or, in between, it really doesn’t matter. The following is a list of ten things we can all appreciate heading into the holiday season.

1. Sports

It was just 18 months ago that sports weren’t a thing anymore. Now we live in a country where we can purchase an adult beverage, a golden yellow greasy bag of popcorn, and turn on our favorite team. 

As we learned from Covid, this isn’t given, don’t take it for granted. 

2. Playing Sports

Ok, just so we’re on the same page, this is a sports website, so the first two items on our list had to be somewhat athletically inclined.

Speaking of athletically inclined, we should all be grateful to have access to our full-body functions. Many people worldwide are disabled and unable to compete in their favorite sport. 

For all of us that can jump, punch, or even bust a move, we probably have more than we realize. Plus, opposable thumbs are pretty cool. 

3. Clean Water

This is probably one of the most overlooked aspects of our society but absolutely vital for life. 

We’ve all heard the stories of walking 10 miles to a well to get water, but what we may have missed is that children in a Nigerian slum play in a river where people defecate.

This knowledge may help all of us appreciate the boushy reverse osmosis water at our local QFC.

4. High-Quality Food 

There’s probably always a place for a drunken night out accompanied by a double cheeseburger with “Mac Sauce.” 

With that being said, it’s pretty cool to be able to go to a store and literally buy anything our heart desires. In other countries, lamb is on the menu. 

In America, do you want grass-fed lamb, organic lamb, lamb karate chopped and massaged by Bruce Lee? Our options are limitless.

5. The Portland Trail Blazers

Even though the Blazers are having an interesting year, we still have a team. Just think to our brothers up north; they’ve been stuck without an NBA squad for over a decade. 

Save our Blazers isn’t a thing because they’re exactly where they’re supposed to be.

Sorry, Seattle…

6. Nature

For all of us that live in the Pacific Northwest, we are surrounded by the beautiful outdoors. Whether it’s a hike, ski trip, or the sound, we got it all. 

But it doesn’t stop there, travel to the east side of our region, and we’re offered a beautiful desert-esqe landscape encapsulated by its arid feel. 

Simply put, the PNW rocks!

7. Reading

With all the amazing TV shows out there, it may be easy to forget reading, but this could prove a mistake. 

Reading is not only a cool way to pass the time; it strengthens our brain. 

According to insider.com, “Reading consistently strengthens connections in the brain, improves memory and concentration, and may even help you live longer.”

Plus, all of us look smarter with a book in our hands. 


8. Music

Ahhhhhh-Sabenyaaaaa- keeeeeee- koo-do mo- ven ven-wa-wa- ven ven-wa wa ( Sing X2)

For all us “Lion King” fans out there, we can sing the rest on our own time. 

Regardless of the tune, something about music speaks to our collective souls. A catchy song can brighten, dampen, or even change our day altogether.

Music is also a valuable tool in bringing people together.  

9. Writing

Some of us love writing, some of us hate it, but its healing power is undeniable. 

Psychologytoday.com states the following about journaling. “It helps bring order to your deepest thoughts and fears and enables you to learn from the person who knows you best: you.”

Or we can keep it light and cover sports as we do here at OSN. Writing has options. 


10. Family

They drive us crazy, know what makes us tick, and may make us question our sanity at times, but their family and we love them all the same. 

Through barbed wire and chair shots, family should be there. Family is life, love, and weirdness all in one. 

“Other things may change us, but we start and end with family.” – Anthony Brandt. 

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About Nick Bartlett 238 Articles
My name is Nick Bartlett, and I am a Senior Writer at SuperWestSports.com as well as a Senior Writer here at OregonSportsNews. My work has been featured in the Seattle PI, OregonLive, and various other publications. I've also served as a guest on Sirius XM radio as a "Pac-12 Football Insider" For business inquiries, you can reach me at - Email: [email protected] Phone Number: 425-366-9711