I’m currently on the mend— recovering from surgery—which means I am forbidden to run for at least six weeks. Being kept from running is painful, it’s depressing, and it can make six weeks feel more like six months.
How does a runner pass the time when they aren’t able to run? What follows is 11 different ways to pass the time spent on the injured list.
1. Walk, even if it’s super boring. Is it just me, or is walking the worst? Why walk when you can run? Oh, right. We can’t run just yet. If walking is the only thing you can do, you better start enjoying it.
2. Support your running friends. Even if you can’t run, supporting your running friends, volunteering for a race, or just hanging out with your running buddies will do wonders for your mood. Being immersed in the running community will help you realize that even if you are injured now, you will be back at it soon.
3. Clean your house, like an obsessive kind of clean.
4. Read. Read about running, or maybe a good murder mystery would suit your mood more.
5. Learn a new skill. Maybe you’ve always wanted to learn German, or how to cook beef wellington. Now is the time.
6. Get crafty. Crochet a blanket, draw a self-portrait, or make some custom jewelry. You have some energy to burn, put it toward something gorgeous.
7. Upper body training (if allowed). If you can do more than just walking, work on that upper body. If you can’t put weight on your legs, you can still get sweaty by lifting weights.
8. Work on your Zen. We all know that runners can get a little crazy when they aren’t allowed to run. And maybe we should work on that a little more when during injury. A consistent meditation practice can help keep your mood steady.
9. Totally freak out and get angry about everything. No, we shouldn’t do this. Try one of the above items and know that this is just temporary.
10. Ugly cry every time you walk by your running gear. Or maybe hide your gear for a few weeks.
11. Whatever it is that you don’t have time to do because you are usually running.
Hopefully, these suggestions help you get through your hiatus from running without making your family and friends abhor you. Good luck!