Hey, hey, hey! We’ve got a Super Bowl this weekend. (This is the only weekend it actually makes sense for me to say this, even though I say it every weekend.) There are a lot of interesting storylines going into the game on Sunday, but there is one, in particular, that is of most interest to me:
Patrick Mahomes and I are the same age.
Everyone is talking about it. And by everyone I mean me. I’ve been thinking about this a lot over the last two weeks. Who has accomplished more in their first 25 years of life? Me, or Patrick Mahomes? Let’s break down both of our resumes.
First, let’s talk about our esteemed guest, Patrick Mahomes.
Mahomes has:
Won a Super Bowl
Won Super Bowl MVP
Won regular-season MVP
Made 3 Pro Bowls
Made two All-Pro teams
Signed a $500 million contract
And most importantly, is the star of several State Farm commercials.
Next, let’s talk about me, Steven “not Patrick Mahomes” Peeler.
I have:
Watched 20 Super Bowls
Worked in retail
Had one of my TikTok’s get 80 likes
Grown a beard
Turned off the Pro Bowl every year
Lost over 500 million pairs of headphones
Driven by several State Farm offices
I think it’s pretty safe to say that Mahomes has me beat right now. But, this is just the beginning. I very well might have the upper-hand 25 years from now. Maybe I’ll win a Super Bowl! Will it be as a player? Of course not. Perhaps I could work for a team that wins the Super Bowl. Maybe that team will beat Mahomes in the Super Bowl! And then Mahomes and I will find each other on the field after the game. We’ll shake hands and he’ll say to me, “congrats man. You’re now officially better than me.” He then pulls out a few bags of money. “Here’s $100 million dollars. You totally deserve it. Oh, I also have this ‘I’m officially cooler than Patrick Mahomes’ sticker that you can have.” He then flys away in his own personal spaceship, because this is the future, and everyone has one.
Overall, the battle between Mahomes and I is still in the early stages. After round 1, he definitely has the advantage. But when I write the follow-up to this article 25 years from now (by using my brain to directly type instead of using my fingers, because again, the future) I’m confident that I will be in the lead.
…or Mahomes will have won 10 Super Bowls and he was so dominant that the NFL decided that no one could ever top him and they decided to fold the league.