When it comes to health advice, there’s a lot of information floating around on how to take care of your body. To make matters worse, the internet provides users with so much information that it’s hard to believe who’s telling the truth. For every YouTuber preaching that butter can help reduce fat around your stomach area, or mangos aren’t good for your body, there’s a TV ad to tell you otherwise.
Celebrity diets are also another thing that influences people to change their lifestyle. In other words, when it comes to celebrity diets and food trends, people focus so much on the celebrity they forget about their health, which can make them more susceptible to false information. There’s a good chance that we’ve all fallen for at least one of these health myths-and even warned others about them-just to find out none of it is true.
Here are four health myths some still believe but shouldn’t:
Health Myths We Shouldn’t Believe
Lung Cancer is Something Only Smoker Gets: Did you know that lung cancer is the greatest cause of death for both men and women in America? Perhaps the most interesting thing, however, is that a large portion of people who have lung cancer aren’t even smokers, which means no one is safe. What makes lung cancer so much deadlier than other cancers is that it’s very common. So why is this cancer so difficult to cure? Well, because doctors, patients, nurses, and other physicians usually aren’t able to spot the cancer until it’s too late. Simply put: Since you can’t see it or feel your lungs, it’s hard to notice any sudden changes in the body. Patients usually find out if they’re coughing and experience pain.
Unfortunately, by the time the symptoms have begun, the cancer has already started to spread throughout the body and have become too mature to cure. Of course, people who smoke are much more likely to get this type of disease, but people who don’t smoke are still at risk too. One thing we can do to avoid the chance of getting lung cancer is to avoid areas where people are smoking. This might include homes, public areas, casinos, and trails. Another way we can reduce coming in contact with this disease is reducing our exposure to air pollution, harmful chemicals and radon. Areas known to have concentrated levels of uranium in the soil are dangerous as radon can find its way into buildings through cracks in the foundation of buildings, allowing radon to build up inside to potentially dangerous levels. If you live somewhere with high levels of uranium, you may want to look into radon remediation services to protect your health.
In Order to be Healthy, You Should Avoid Eating Fat: Like vitamins and minerals, fat is something our body depends on and needs to function properly––as long as it’s the right kind of fat. Monounsaturated fats, for example, like olives, nuts, and avocados (along with the oils that come from them) are, in fact, good for the body. These oils are typically made when fruits, nuts, and seeds are pressed––without the use of excessive heat. Saturated fats like butter and coconut oil can also be beneficial to the body, as long as they’re consumed in smaller quantities.
Polyunsaturated fatty acids are also helpful for the body. That’s because this type of fat is normally found in plant-based foods and oils. Over the years, research has shown us that eating food that’s rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids improves cholesterol levels as well, which can help decrease the risk of things like heart attacks and high blood pressure. These fatty acids may also help lower the risk of diabetes as well in the long run. Oh, and remember, the trans fats found in French fries, crackers, and other delicious snacks aren’t good for you. That’s the type of fat you want to stay away from.
MSG Will Give You Headaches: Monosodium glutamate (MSG) is a flavor enhancer that’s gotten a bad reputation in the food industry over the years. Why? Because some believe that the flavor enhancer is so strong that it causes headaches and other unwanted symptoms. The truth is, this is just a belief. While the seasoning does contain things that could possibly cause headaches, there’s been no link found between the two according to Mayo Clinic. Instead, it all comes down to the individual. That means if you’re sensitive to MSG and you aren’t aware of your condition, a headache can come in a matter of minutes.
Other factors might be involved as well. What does this mean? It means if you have poor dieting, go long periods without eating, or work in an office staring at a computer screen all day, you can be prone to headaches. Remember, the body doesn’t just need food-it needs nutritious food. So if you’re putting the wrong kind of food in your body or going long periods of time without eating, you could be doing more harm than good. Additionally, as we continue to progress further into the digital age, we begin to rely more on technology, which can also be a bad thing for both our relationship development skills and our eyes as well since blue light has been known to cause eyestrain.
These are just three of many things that can cause unwanted headaches, which is why it’s important to get to the root of things as soon as possible and carefully read the ingredients before you buy something.
You Need Eight Glasses of Water Every Day: According to the popular myth, you should drink eight glasses of water each day. However, if you live in a warmer state, work out a lot or eat dry food, then you’ll probably need more than eight glasses a day. So, how many glasses of water should you drink every day? The answer varies depending on the person and the situation. That’s because no single formula works for everyone. Knowing about your body’s needs can help you estimate how much liquid you’ll need throughout the day.
Regardless of the popular belief, water is extremely healthy and an important part of our daily life. After all, it makes up approximately 60 percent of our body weight and we need it to survive. That means if water isn’t present in our body, our health can decline rapidly, causing dehydration. Although most people can stay hydrated with eight glasses of water, not everyone needs that many glasses of water to stay hydrated. Other people might need more. In the end, it all comes down to the individual and their daily lifestyle.