Studies show that men visit doctorsless than females do. The reason could be the mindset in which they are being locked. They are always expected to show toughness, and for this reason,they dread what they might be told at an annual check-up. But, the fact is that just like females, males are also at risk of diabetes, cardiac diseases, liver impairment, cancer and other such lifestyle disorders. They may even develop certain diseases that are specific only to men. This concludes that men need preventive health packages just as women do.
Nowadays, when the healthindustry has grown so much, it offers a wide range of health packages. Choosing the best amongst them might be a challenging task. Well, to help you a little, we have mentioned a checklist of men’s health check-up. Check it out to see what screening tests or diagnostic examinations you might need as a healthy adult.
- Physical Examination
Physical examination includes analysis of your height, weight and BMI. Analysing these parameters helps doctors to evaluate the need for further diagnostic procedures to diagnose an ailment. During a physical examination, doctors may also look for the presence of lumps in testicles or any change in size or tenderness of testicles.
- Diabetes Screening
Ideally, diabetes screening should be taken into account after the age of 45 and should be normally done every 3 years. However, if you are overweight, or possess a family history of diabetes, the screening test should be taken intoaccount right after the age of 22.
- Blood Pressure Check-up
Startingfrom the age of 20, males should consider checking their blood pressure once every 5 years. However, after 40, as the blood vessels shrink and deposits cholesterol within them, it should be checked every 2 yearsand if it’s abnormally high, the check-up should be considered more often.
- Cholesterol Level Test
With today’s lifestyle and diet, we are an increased risk of high cholesterol levels than ever before. And, a highcholesterol level means an increased risk of cardiovascular diseases. For this reason, men should start getting their cholesterol levels checked right at the beginning of the 20s. The tests should be repeated once in every 4 to 6 years and in cases of abnormal cholesterol levels, the tests should be performed more often.
- Colon and Rectum Health Check-up
Colon cancers are often developed through precancerous polyps in the colon and rectum. Men above 40 are often advised to undergo a colonoscopy, fecaloccult blood test and other screening tests every year so as to diagnose precancerous polyps before they turn into cancer. Men under 40 do not need to take these screening tests but should undergo physical testicular examination.
- Prostate Examination
After the age of 50, men should consider undergoing a prostateexamination. It may be performed physically using a gloved finger or through blood tests such as Prostate Specific Antigen Test.
- Neurological Check-up
Certain neurological conditions such asParkinson disease, Alzheimer’s and brain tumours which are irreversible usually hit males in 70s. This states the need for a neurologicalcheck-up after the 70s. During a neurological examination, the doctor closely evaluates the reflexes, coordination, eye movement, muscle strength, sensation and speech for any sign of neurological disorders.
- Depression Screening
Today’s fast-pacedand frenzied urban lifestyle has developed a number of stressful situations around us. Due to such lifestyle, depression and anxiety has now become very common. Talk to a doctor; tell him/her about your emotional condition. He or she can evaluate your condition and determine if further investigation or treatment is required.
- Eye Check-up
With growing age, the risk of cataract, glaucoma and other eye diseases increases. And, the fact is that your eyes don’t give you a warning sign until it’s too late. Thus, it is important to undergo an annual eye examination. For males, above 60 years, comprehensive dilated eye exams are recommended and for rest, physical eye examination can go well.
- Dental Examination
Just like our eyes, our teeth and gums also become more and more prone to diseases, with the growing age. Thus, it’s important to take regular dental examinations (or intra-oral examinations); ideally every 6 months. The examination includes scanning of teeth and the surrounding tissues including, tongue, salivary glands and lymph nodes of the neck. Such examinations help check the early signs of dental issues.
Also Read- All You Need To Know About Medical Checkup In India
Always keep in mind that the checklist provided is not comprehensive. Different tests may be required in different cases. So it is important to speak to a doctor about your specific healthcare needs. Also, always ensure that you share your complete medical and family history and lifestyle with a medical practitioner. This can help him or hercurate a preventative health check-up plan that is tailored for you.