It has been an exciting couple of years for punters across the US as sweeping changes have been made to sports betting legislation with online options becoming more easily accessible, those looking to keep up with the changes can access many different sources as more info can be found here on Oregon gambling laws along with different laws around the US too – amid the change in services, Oregon has managed to pull together yet another very strong month of October, with November figures looking great too.
The sports betting handle managed to hit nearly $40 million for the month of October, up a little over 50% from the numbers seen in September and seeing revenue close in on the record that was found in November of 2020, and nearly 30% year on year increase on last Octobers figures showing that the market has come a long way since. It comes as no surprise that football leads these figures too, with plenty of NFL Sundays and some college ball too, it’s the biggest contributor to this figure. Basketball comes in as a second contributing $9 million to the betting handle as the season gets started along with a couple of other big sports contributing, baseball, soccer, and hockey round out the top list for the biggest contributions which is common for other sports betting markets too.
Given the increase seen in initial numbers, next year could look to post extremely strong figures too – whilst the highest revenue month wasn’t seen in 2021, or at least not yet, seeing numbers rise by 50% month to month could mean that next years figures could see a big increase too and become one of the states that are seeing extremely strong performance in online sports betting and other platforms too. Not all states have managed to find the same successes, however, some have been slower to introduce online options, and some haven’t been able to issue enough licensing, which shows even further how strong the Oregon sports betting figures are something exciting to see.
The next step for the state may look to be the introduction of different international interests, similar has been seen in other successful states like Colorado as European bookmaker Tipico has unveiled plans to launch new services and open offices in the state and with the successful Oregon numbers, it could be another target for international operators and efforts to bring more growth to the already very successful online space.