Useful Tips For Intermittent Fasting You Should Know

Intermittent fasting has recently become a popular method to lose weight. But like any diet, it may lead to dangerous results if you don’t know how to do it properly.

For those who are new to it, these are the most useful tips for intermittent fasting you should know.

Eat some food

Isn’t the point of fasting keeping off food?

That’s true. However, eating just a small amount may come up with some benefits.

Some intermittent fasting diets allow for 25% of the calories required for a day. This reducing-calories approach may actually be a safer way for some people instead of a total fast.

Your body still needs energy for activities, especially for work. Cutting out food completely may result in various side effects, such as unfocused, hungry, and fainting.

On top of that, fasting is more sustainable if you don’t feel hungry all the time.

Drink enough water

Water is a vital issue in fasting.

Since food helps provide the daily water needed for your body, you may become dehydrated while doing intermittent fasting. On a normal diet, food provides from 20 to 30% fluid you need.

But the actual amount is different for each person.

The simplest solution is to listen to your body and drinking water when thirsty. Otherwise, mild dehydration may lead to dry mouth, fatigue, and headaches.

Eat whole foods while on pause

The purpose of fasting is for the sake of avoiding food; it’s about improving your health and make you feel better in the long term.

That’s why keeping a healthy diet on non-fasting periods is still important.

Whole foods bring many health benefits, reducing the risk of heart disease or cancer.

Whole foods are a healthy diet for your break from fasting.

Don’t treat yourself to a feast

Celebrating a period of successful fasting with a big meal is never a good idea.

A feast in the midst of a fast may make you feel tired and bloated. In addition to that, when you’re trying to lose weight, such a reward like that may backfire badly, even letting up for your long term goals.

If you want to take a break from fasting, just go back to your regular diet.

Use supplements

Fasting diets often leave out essential nutrients – such as vitamin B12, calcium, and iron – which primarily come from your daily food. That’s why you may not meet nutritional needs while fasting.

Supplements like multivitamins can make up this amount, preventing deficiencies. However, whole foods are still the best source to get the needed nutrients.

Multivitamins provide the nutrients lacking in fasting diets.

Stop when you feel unwell

Remember, there is no solution for everybody.

Don’t copy a diet blindly, even though many people have found it effective. It will be a disaster if fasting – supposed to make you healthy – takes the shrine off your life.

It’s normal to feel a bit irritable, hungry, and tired. But when you feel unwell, that’s a serious warning by your body.

Consider stopping fasting immediately!

If you’re new to this, you should limit the fast durations to 24 hours. Keeping snacks by your side is also helpful when you feel ill or faint.

Final words

When done correctly, intermittent fasting is a wonderful method to lose weight. Though this list doesn’t mention all the tips, it’s the first thing you must know before getting started.

If you find them helpful, please share these tips with your friends, who all are striving for better health.