Baseball is an exciting sport to play and to watch. And, while I certainly enjoy playing the game, I must say there isn’t anything quite like watching your favorite team play the game. But following your team around the US as they play through the season is not the most realistic and practical answer. And, catching every game on TV is not practical either as sometimes the schedules are not the most convenient. So, I thought I would do some research and find the best apps for finding the latest baseball news on-the-go. After looking through various websites I found one which listed the best 10 baseball apps.
I took a look at some of the apps and tested the ones that caught my attention. Here are my reviews for the 3 that I liked the best.
MLB At Bat
MLB At Bat is a must on my list. I found this to be the best choice if you want to find the latest MLB news, scores, game updates, and more. Not only that but you can also access historical videos of the best baseball games of all time which, as a baseball fan, I could not be more thrilled about. I also like how can view updates on the latest games by watching TV broadcasts and listening to radio commentary. Another plus I found is that you can view detailed statistics on the player and team performances.
MLB At Bat is, as its name suggests, focused on MLB games. So, if you want to find news on the latest college baseball games or Minor League games, then you might prefer one of my other picks.
Another baseball app I really liked is theScore. What I like about it is that you can find score information and news coverage for sports games of every type including baseball, football, basketball, golf and more, whether they are in the professional league or at the college level. I also like how you can watch short videos of game highlights to catch up with the key moments of the game. The score information is updated continuously, which is great if you are looking for an easy way to stay on top of your favorite sports games.
Unlike my previous pick, theScore has information for games both at the professional and college level. And, while it is certainly not a bad thing, I did find that it can seem like too much information. Thankfully, there is a favorites feature that you can use so you only see updates on teams you are interested in.
Sports Alerts
Finally, my last pick is Sports Alerts. I found this to be a great choice if you want to stay in-the-know of the latest happenings on your favorite sports games. The way it works is that you tag your favorite teams and players, and you’ll receive personalized alerts on any relevant updates, including when games are about to start and end, when scores are made, and other key moments of the games. I also thought it was neat how you can customize the notification sounds depending on the type of score that is made, so you can know right away if a home run was made or if a player struck out. Another plus is that you can also get sports alerts for sports leagues other than the MLB, including the NHL, NBA, CFL, NCAA, and more.
I did find that sometimes Sports Alerts takes a bit longer to open. However, it doesn’t happen too often, and I have noticed that it only happens when major content updates have been made to the database. On the upside, I have found that Sports Alerts runs really smoothly, which is a great feat considering the amount of information it has.
These are my top 3 favorite baseball apps. My personal favorite is theScore as I like to follow a variety of sports in addition to baseball. However, I also have MLB At Bat on my phone as I love watching historical baseball videos whenever I get a chance. In any case, you’ll easily stay on top of your favorite baseball games and teams with any of my picks. Good luck to your team!