Saturday, May 19, 2018, comes the newest edition of the second leg of the Triple Crown Series which is the Preakness Stakes. This horse racing tournament follows the prestigious first leg Triple Crown which is the Kentucky Derby. Surprisingly, Preakness will hold its final race in Pimlico racetrack as it will move to a different location next year in Laurel Park, 5-mile away from Pimlico. This is due to the fact that the land developers of the Pimlico race course would develop a whole new business establishment for the benefit of all Baltimore natives.
While this may be true, a lot of horse racing fans are looking forward to a more exciting event. This year’s line up of horse racers seems to be composed of strongest contenders where a lot of experts are seeing entries that could possibly clinch the Triple Crown. Aside from that, it is also said that the competition possesses a much larger pot prize compared to its last edition. To give you a little background, Preakness was first held in 1873 where the Governor of Maryland, Oden Bowie was the one who called it “Preakness” to honor the first horse racer who won in the “Dinner Stakes Party”. It took place on the same racetrack which is Pimlico and from there the organization had adopted the said name up until today.
Now that the Preakness Stakes 2019 is coming, Preakness Stakes betting is one of the main reasons why a lot of fans are on their feet preparing for this event. Ideally, a lot of bettors have prepared their list of the best horse racers who will be joining the Preakness making sure that they have reviewed all the forms of their entries for successful and profitable betting. To be honest, this years’ entries are strong and it’s hard to predict which horse racer will truly emerge the big winner. Now, as you go along and prepare the cheat sheets of your favorite entries to win the Preakness 2019, you should expect a tougher task to do.
Betting and wagering for the horse racer you would like to win is not only looking up in the sky for a second and later come up with an entry you’d like to wage. For most horse racing professionals, it takes thorough research and study before they can consider the type of horse racer they want to bet. If you’d like to come and witness the Preakness 2019 and take part in a profitable betting, here are some tips you can consider to ensure that you do not put your money into waste.
What To Look In A Horse Racer?
Technically, if you do your research regarding the best qualities that each horse racer should possess in order to be the title holder of Preakness 2019, you may find several opinions from experts and it may seem hard to apply. That said, we summarize the best horse qualities based on the expert’s opinions and these would surely help you out to get the right return of investment as you head on to a more expensive Preakness Stakes 2019.
The Way A Horse Racer Should Go
Realistically, horses like humans have their own bad days and good days. This is felt in any cycles depending on how they are handled and taken cared of. In most cases, horse racers undergo extensive training in the scorching heat of the sun to help them adjust to the type of temperature during the racing tournaments they will be joining. To be honest, most horses can be trained to absorb the type of temperature they were trained, but for some, it’s the other way around. As a better, your process of selecting the right entry should deem the horse’s ability to adjust to the type of environment where he will be competing. You should make sure that he embodies a full strength, agility, and confidence during the racing day.
The Horse’s Running Style
Although all horses joining the Preakness are trained to showcase their full speed, not all become successful. The running style of each horse racer is also a criterion you should look to make a successful betting. In most cases, many believed that by the time the racing starts, the horse racer running in lead tend to finish the racer first. To be honest, the ability to a horse racer to stalk during the first minutes of the racing and it’s a way of speeding up while on the race track always edged those who are running faster at the beginning of the game.
Previous Position
The last thing you may also look at while you are on the process of choosing the best horse racer to bet is the previous position. Take note that it’s a major requirement to consider the previous forms of each horse to see how they did in the past at the same time you can assess how they will be doing this year’s edition on Preakness Stakes.