The final game before the Christmas break is always tough for all. It’s the “Sugarplum game.” Sugarplums are known for the old saying of them dancing in their heads. (What is a sugar plum, anyway? No, it’s not a fruit.)
Regardless, the Winterhawks had a home game before the break for the holidays, the first time in years as they often travel, so it was nice to be close to home. The Spokane Chiefs are situated in the second spot in the US division and have been trouble for the Hawks during the season. Prior to the game, the Hawks inked yet another player to contract status. Will McLaughlin, aged 16, currently in the Alberta Junior League, signed onto the Hawks and is eligible for up to 10 games if needed. With that signing, the Hawks have been at a furry pace, locking in players for continued success in the coming years.
The Hawks then set to face Spokane. Diego Buttazzoni and Kyle Chykowski got things started for Portland before Spokane was able to reply later in the period. Two goals by Spokane in the second period, including a powerplay marker, gave the Chiefs their first lead of the night. In the third period, Alex Wiermair, while on the powerplay, and Chykowski, with his second of the night, took back the lead as the Hawks got both goals in a span of a minute and a half before the period was four minutes old. Spokane tied it up on the powerplay, but Weiermair with his second of the night, also on the powerplay restored the lead, Spokane pulled their netminder and Tyson Yaremko put home the empty net goal while their team was down a man for the 6-4 win.
Portland blasted 47 shots to Spokane’s 30 and went 2-6 on the powerplay. Spokane was a solid 2-4 on theirs. The resulting win keeps Portland in sixth place in the conference, six points ahead of Vancouver, and knocking on the doorstep of fifth place with a point back of Victoria.
As expected, the two Prince George players involved in major penalties from the Portland game learned their fate. Patrick Sopiarz received three games for a check to the head, and Kayden Lemire got two games for interference. Those are on top of the game misconducts received in Portland.
While OSN is off, the Hawks will play a brutal six games in nine nights, all against US Division opponents. We’ll wrap it up when we come back on January 6. Also upcoming will be the other long battle of the Eastern Swing, which starts in three weeks, and the first game will be on the trade deadline. The Hawks don’t look to be making any moves, but there might be some movement as the Eastern Division is pretty much a logjam with nine teams within 6 points of top spot. Meanwhile, the Hawks’s point total would place them in the second spot if they were in the Eastern Division, showing that the Western Conference is indeed a very tough one as 27 points separate ninth through first in the conference.
When we get back, we’ll have lots to go through. In the meantime, have a great holiday season, safely, of course. A big shout out to Arran Gimba, who brings you the digest of OSN on this platform. His hard work is not unnoticed! By the way, check out the other columns as well and tell your friends!
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