When the weather outside invites us to feel its bliss, it would be an absolute shame to sweat it out in the gym. Listed below are some outdoor activities which can help you break a sweat without even noticing it.
Cycling – This low-impact exercise is perfect for people suffering from arthritis. It goes easy on the joints and muscle making it an absolute favourite of physicians for prescribing to aged patients. Studies have also established linkage between cycling and gaining an edge over obesity. Some people did voice concerns over cycling affecting their fertility, but the same has been nullified by recent studies. Researchers have also revealed that cycling to work is a healthier alternative when compared to commuting via cab. However, there always remains a risk of succumbing to accidents while you are engaged in outdoor activities. If you suspect that the accident has been caused due to faulty motor parts or the wilful action of others, then you can click here to seek help from the best bicycle accident lawyers.
Hiking – Apart from being a hard-core aerobic workout, hiking also suffices as a mental health booster. Experts have revealed that the intimate confluence with nature diminishes stress level and imparts tranquillity of mind. Given our busy schedules we often fail to comply with the stringent gym routines. Thus, you can plan a weekend hiking trip for taking a break from the monotonous work routine and imbibing some exercise in your mundane life. Hiking is also known to increase bone density, the lower high risk of triglycerides, cholesterol, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, stroke and coronary heart disease.
Cross-Country Skiing – This popular winter sport combines the goodness of hiking and skiing under one roof. The natural motion our body gets into while performing cross-country skiing serves as a holistic aerobic workout. Every single motion requiring the combined forces of our chest, back, legs and core can burn up to 900 calories in an hour. The best thing about this aerobic workout is that no single muscle group gets overstressed. However, before starting with this sport you need to receive the requisite training from a skiing instructor.
Gardening – Caring for your health need not always bleed your wallet. By taking up gardening, you can increase the flow of fresh fruits and veggies to your dinner table while availing an array of health benefits. For starters, exposure to vitamin D from sunlight enhances your immunity system. This is considered to be one of the most hassle-free aerobic methods where you can actually shed some kilos without even realising the same. As you twist and bend for pulling out weeds, your flexibility, stamina, and strength receive a solid boost.
Tennis – Playing tennis involves running, jumping and crouching, which aids us in undergoing a full body workout. Whether you play the game single or double-handed your upper back and shoulders gets toned in the process. Playing tennis increases your heart rate thus delivering oxygen and all the other essential nutrients to our muscles. The single tennis session is known to burn about 400-600 calories on an hourly basis. Apart from the wholesome effect on our muscles, tennis also aids in building strong bones and diminishing the chances of heart attack, heart disease and stroke. Tennis involves tactical thinking and planning about how to deal with the opponent’s move. Thus, it strengthens neural connections and develops new neurons, which are known to sharpen our memory prowess.
So, what are you waiting for? Take your workout regimen outdoors and shed the excess kilos while enjoying the goodness of the season.