Golf seems like a safe game until people start getting injured. The occurrence happens when the players overlook the safety measures set in place by the management. Golf isn’t different from the other games. Safety is, therefore, paramount to ensure everyone on the field stays in one piece. As a beginner, you may focus on learning the game.
However, it is imperative to know all the rules and guidelines to prevent falling victim to accidents. Also, you may be a cause of accidents to your team players. The game involves swinging the club, which propels the ball at high speed. Below are tips you can employ to ensure everything works out smoothly.
Register Those Around You
It is unlikely that you will be the only person in the field. Such locations are vast, thus numerous players enjoying the game. Once you take the golf club, whatever happens after that is your responsibility.
The first step to ensuring a safe play is marking everyone that is within you. You cannot swing the bat with players close to you. As a first-timer, it is easy to let down your guard due to the excitement. Focus on where you want the ball to go. Check the left and right directions. Ascertain, there are no golfers ahead or within your range before you can make your shot.
Yell Fore
It may sound obscure, but yelling in a golf pitch has saved more lives. There is always something that goes unplanned as much as you might try to follow the rules. One of the common incidences is hitting your drive differently than what you anticipated. In other cases, a hook or slice might direct the ball to the adjoining fairway.
Before making a shot, you must have ensured the path is clear. Unfortunately, there could be an obstruction behind some players. Yell “fore” as loud as you can. It is an international warning in golf. The sign gives people a heads up of an errant ball coming in their direction.
When you hear the word fore, do not stand to watch as you expose yourself to the oncoming risks. Crouch or hide behind any barrier around. It could be a tree or golf bag. Cover your head as much as possible.
Drive Safely
Another vital juncture is driving.—Golf carts come with a safety label. Most layers would overlook it, but it’s critical to read the instructions. Never hang your feet out of the cart while it’s moving.
Stay on track all the time as you may interfere with other ongoing games. When approaching a bumpy terrain, do not attempt to go off-road; the approach could result in the cart turning over. If possible, avoid driving at full speed. Stay focused and watch out for other driving golfers. Lastly, do not drink and drive and make sure your golf cart’s safety features are working properly. This is a good safety list.
By keeping yourself safe, your fellow players can count on you. A single game of golf can take up to around four hours. Ensure that you protect yourself from the harmful rays of the scorching sun. Always wear a wide cap to keep the sun away from your face. Wear sunscreen to cover your neck and arms.