The start of August means it’s much closer to the beginning of hockey season.
With the drafts out of the way for the WHL and NHL, the only issue is players from the WHL at NHL camps, which will unsettle things for the first few weeks of the regular season.
September will see the Hawks play almost everything on the road, almost because there is an opportunity to see the Hawks in action at home at the start of September.
Fans who already have package deals through the Hawks can enjoy the action at no additional charge. All others will be charged $5 a day to a maximum of $15 for all four days from August 31 to September 3. Games on Thursday and Friday will start at 4pm, games on Saturday will be 2pm, and the consolation game on Sunday begins at 8am, with the championship final listed as starting at 10am.
This past season, Yaremchuk, Sasser, Heath, and Neely were inducted into the Winterhawks Hall of Fame. All eyes will be watching the first drafted female goaltender to the WHL, Morgan Stickney. At 15, she is too young to make the full-time Winterhawks roster, but the attention will be huge to see if she is the real deal.
The Hawks have also started announcing their specialty nights. Hawkey for All kicks off on Saturday, October 7, when the Hawks celebrate community groups of all ages in their game versus Vancouver.
Women of the Rose City will be the next event on Sunday, December 3, versus Prince George. Women in Sports and Events (WISE and Sport Oregon will be on hand recognizing Women in Sports and the Winterhawks.
Pride Night continues to grow with Saturday, January 13 versus Seattle. The LGBTQIA2s+ community has been growing and is in full force that night, with a specialty shirt benefitting community groups and a Pride Parade on ice is scheduled.
Monday, January 15, is a special 2pm start with Martin Luther King Day vs Kamloops. While schools will not be open, many schools bring students to the game. The game last year was called Hookey for Hockey and saw a good-sized crowd attend the game. Now without school in session that day, it is expected to be a tough ticket to find!
Saturday, February 10, versus Seattle, celebrates Black Hockey History. Both teams have had several players on their teams of African-American descent making an impression on their clubs.
The schedule has already been announced for the theme nights of Home Opener on October 6, Teddy Bear Toss on December 9, New Year’s Eve on December 31, and Mascot Night on March 17.
The Hawks have created Keep Portland Weird nights as well to excite attendees.
Friday, October 13, vs. Kamloops, is the first Friday the Thirteen game of the season and guarantees a spooky night for all.
Saturday, December 16, is Holiday Sweater Night. After last year’s Ugly Sweater Night, the event’s popularity will bring it back in the game versus Spokane in the final game before the holiday break.
Where’s Waldo became a cult classic almost immediately last year. 4226 is the record number of Waldo lookalikes, and the Hawks were only a thousand off that mark and hope to break the record. The circular glasses, candy cane striped t-shirt, and beanie were a sight to see last year and will undoubtedly be even more so this year as they bring in the first home game of 2024. The date is January 6, 2024.
Local artisans will be in full force as the Hawks present Art Night on March 1 versus Regina. This will be a first for the team and something unique.
The wildly popular game where the curtains surrounding the VMC will be opened and a game versus Victoria will start at 6pm on Saturday, March 2. The “Twilight Game” will see a hopefully cloudless sky and the lights of Portland glimmering off the Willamette.
It’s looking to be a busy upcoming season, and the puck hasn’t even dropped yet.