Why Russell Wilson Should Stay In Seattle

The NFL offseason has arrived for many teams in the National Football League, and shockingly the Seattle Seahawks are at the top of that list. For just the third time in the Pete Carroll era, the Hawks have missed out on the postseason. In fact, it was statistically the worst finish since he took the job in 2010. Seattle went 7-9 both seasons in his first two years, but this 7-10 finish is the worst with the new 18th week. 

There will be rumors swirling around, whether Hawks fans want it or not. Russell Wilson caused a soap opera’s worth of issues last offseason when it looked like he was forcing his hand out of Seattle, and his agent put together a few destination spots for the Pro Bowl QB. But this season certainly did not go how Wilson needed it to go to remain the hot commodity he was the last offseason. I’m not saying there aren’t teams who don’t want him now or wouldn’t line up for his services, but after a deflating year in Seattle with him at the helm, less will be made of a possible trade demand. 

Wilson has actually come out ahead of the drama and insists on staying. Not just for his contract’s length, but for a long time

“My hope’s not to just fulfill it, hopefully, I get to play here for, you know, 20 years of my career.” 

That is saying a lot considering this guy seemed like he was trying to escape not all that long ago. He went from not wanting to be in Seattle, to winning just seven games, to wanting to be there for 20 years. Of course, there are many “coach” speak when Wilson takes the podium for the media. This guy is smart, he is trained, and he isn’t going to say anything that will hurt his value, but he will say promising things that Seattle fans want to hear.

​​”For me, what I’m really super passionate about, obviously my goal is to win more Super Bowls, and my plan is to win them here. It is that simple, so there is nothing else really other than that.” Wilson said during his weekly availability with the Seattle media.”

With that being said, I think Wilson ultimately staying in Seattle is beneficial for Wilson. He has won in Seattle, and I don’t think it’s crazy to think that he can win there again soon. Despite a bad 2021 season, Wilson has been a consistent winner for the Hawks, and that won’t change. But there are plenty of other reasons that indicate he should stick in the Northwest. 

Second, Maybe Third Fiddle

Wilson is entering an offseason where QB rumors and drama will fly. Despite how great the Packers are playing right now, Aaron Rodgers might very well force himself out of Green Bay. If that is the case, every team will focus more on Rodgers than any other QB. Rodgers is the first choice for teams, and it really won’t be close. 

We also have to wonder whether or not Deshaun Watson will be traded. While he presents his own set of troubling issues, he is younger than Wilson and putting up better numbers when he was playing. I would assume that if Watson is cleared of legal incidents, he leapfrogs Wilson for suitors. I am not saying the market will be bare, but top options like Denver, New Orleans, etc., might be off the board if they pursue the other two. 

Room To Negotiate 

At the end of the day, no team will treat Russ like the Hawks will likely treat him. They know exactly how valuable he is to their organization, and he’s at a point where he can make some decisions. Russ wanted the offense changed this year; they changed the offense. I don’t think it’s crazy to think if Russ went as far to say it’s him or Pete that the Hawks would turn their backs on Russ. This guy has meant everything to their franchise for nearly a decade, and I think they know that’s where their success lies. If Wilson stays in Seattle, he can demand another massive contract, he can try to gain some power in personnel, which isn’t completely unheard of, and he will be able to recruit players to Seattle to win in the coming years. 

The Other Options

When you look at the list of potential landing spots for Russ, I am not so sure there are that many great spots to land. New Orleans might be the most attractive, but I am not sure they have the cap space to do it without giving up other important players. The Broncos will likely go after Rodgers; the Raiders aren’t ditching Carr after the season he had, the Bears drafted Justin Fields, the Panthers are looking like a dumpster fire, the Falcons have a ton of issues on offense. Russ has mentioned New York as an option, but the Jets have Zach Wilson, and the Giants are maybe the last place I would want to pack my bags for. 

All in all, Seattle is a good fit for Russell Wilson at the moment. I think there is maybe one option that would suit him better, but I think it’s a pipe dream to play out as it would need to for it to be successful. Wilson has it pretty good in Seattle, and it would be wise to stick around.