From the earliest childhood to the end of puberty, our bodies grow, and our bones become stronger. At the end of adolescence, the calcification process ends, and then we stop growing. The bones become less flexible, and getting taller is no longer possible. This period is slightly different for men and women, and it mostly depends on when puberty began.
When this phase begins and why there are differences between puberty in male and female, find out below:
Even when people are done with getting the inches in height, the pituitary gland continues to produce hormone responsible for the healthy growth and development of our organisms. Even after puberty, it produces large amounts of human growth hormone – somatotropin. That led scientists to think and research about some other functions of the hypophysis and its product.
Somatotropin as a Medicine
Numerous studies have revealed the significant role of the hormone somatotropin in the regulation of metabolism and the development of the entire organism. Due to these physiological properties of somatotropin, the pharmaceutical industry has synthesized this hormone and made numerous medicines for treating various diseases.
Somatotropin enhances bone mineralization or strengthens them by retaining calcium. Then, it increases muscle mass, promotes fat breakdown, and improves protein synthesis. This hormone is also responsible for the transfer of glucose to the liver and secretion of insulin. In general, somatotropin is in charge of stimulating the entire immune system.
Treating Genetic Height Disorders
The primary use of the growth hormone therapy is in children who have problems with healthy development. The purpose of all somatotropin-based medications is to compensate for the lack of human growth hormone. Our bodies should naturally produce it, but if some disturbance occurs, the deficiency of this hormone will cause the problems mentioned above.
The earlier these disorders are perceived, the higher the chance of healing. Regular visits to the pediatrician can help to identify the developmental delay and to start therapy on time. The most common genetic diseases that cause growth problems are Noonan and Turner syndrome.
Somatotropin can also be used in adults with developmental issues. This supplementation therapy has the goal of improving the quality of life and preventing adverse cardiovascular risk factors in patients. These problems occur due to the intolerance to physical activity and the loss of muscle mass and fat from the body.
Prevention of Weight Loss
Scientists have examined the positive effects of growth hormone in patients who have experienced weight loss as a result of a particular disease. As seen on https://anabolicsteroiddrugs.com/somatropin/, this therapy showed positive results in people with AIDS and those suffering from an intestinal disorder known as short bowel syndrome.
In HIV-infected patients, human growth hormone therapy leads to enhanced immunity. As somatotropin promotes muscle tissue growth, cell renewal, and the release of energy, it helps in preserving body composition in patients and makes them feel better.
In the case of short bowel syndrome, this condition prevents the proper absorption of nutrients. That is why patients lose weight loss and feel bad. Somatotropin therapy produces results, and people get some weight, but only while taking medicine. Long-term effects have not been confirmed yet.
Human Growth Hormone for Athletes
Synthetic growth hormone is an anabolic, i.e., the type of legal steroids that athletes use to improve their performance. The practice has shown that the use of growth hormones among athletes contributes to the accelerated growth of muscle mass and strength. It also has a positive effect on the synthesis of collagen in the body, which contributes to the strengthening of bones, tendons, and ligaments.
In the case of increased physical activity, somatotropin has a so-called lipotropic effect. It reduces glucose consumption and thus saves energy. On the other hand, it mobilizes body fat to serve as an energy source. Long-term use of somatotropin to athletes should be under control and within the recommended dosage range. Only this way, side effects won’t show up.
Our body and internal organs (except for the brain) grow to a certain extent. And the largest part of the human development happens at puberty. If any problem noticed, the synthetic hormone somatotropin should boost the growth of tissues in the body by increasing the number of cells and their volume.